


military education, military training, military service, military law, war crimes, military law, war crimes, globalization, localization, security and defense forces.


The article examines some trends in the formation of a new world order as a system of formal and informal rules and norms for international relations. It was established that Russian attack on Ukraine, which is being waged on the territory of Ukraine, obviously has a global character due to the military, economic, financial, diplomatic, informational and ideological support of foreign states, NATO and the EU. The war itself has a hybrid nature and includes, along with military actions, the application of economic and financial sanctions, informational and civilizational components. The research hypothesizes that one of the challenges of the Russian-Ukrainian war is the need to create an educational system capable of forming logical-historical ways of thinking capable of distinguishing the components of hybrid processes, conducting essential analysis and clarifying the forms of combination. The article substantiates that the scientific and educational support of the defense and security forces is not always carried out in accordance with public needs to ensure the protection of the constitutional order, sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine. The analysis of normative-legal acts and scientific research in this area made it possible to determine the systemic problems of the further development of not only military-legal science, but also warfare-legal science and education in the conditions of Russian aggression and Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine. The conducted research made it possible to propose certain conclusions: to clarify the list of priority studies on current problems of military and warfare law; to continue work on the codification of legislation in the field of defense; introduce a new specialty L 11 “Military and warfare law”. According to the results of the round table held on November 30, 2023 on the topic “Military legal science and education in Ukraine: lessons of the Russian-Ukrainian war”, conclusions have been made regarding the actualization of the concepts of military law and warfare law science with an emphasis on ensuring proper organization of military training at school, postgraduate military-legal education, territorial defense, military service, social and pension system, development of effective discipline statutes. A promising proposal was expressed regarding the coordination of legal research by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in particular in the field of military-legal and warfare-legal sciences through the creation of a new department – “Department of Military Sciences”.


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