
  • Ivan Nazarov




higher education, higher education quality, higher education institution, legislation of Ukraine, academic integrity.


The article reveals the structure of the quality assurance system of higher education in Ukraine separates the external quality assurance system and analyzes its possibilities in the conditions of martial law. Examples of studies of various types and nature of the higher education system, the educational process and quality assurance systems of higher education, prepared in peacetime, are given, within the limits of which an analytical review and study of the state and prospects for the development of the system of quality assurance of higher education in Ukraine was carried out, as well as systematic studies of the problems of normative regulating the functioning of higher education in Ukraine under martial law. It is emphasized that the issues of legislative provision of the possibility of maintaining and even developing the quality of higher education in Ukraine in the conditions of martial law remain insufficiently researched, which determines the relevance of the publication. Changes in the educational legislation of Ukraine from 2022 are analyzed, which are due to the introduction of martial law in Ukraine and the subject of regulation of which is to ensure the effective functioning of higher education institutions of Ukraine, bodies that shape policy in the field of education of Ukraine, directions for further movement in order to ensure the quality of higher education and European integration processes, including in the field of education. The conclusion is formed that the analysis of legislative changes on the issues of ensuring the quality of higher education in Ukraine in the conditions of martial law, the prerequisites for their occurrence and the practice of application give rise to restrained optimism in the impossibility of stopping the adaptation of the domestic system of higher education to the principles, standards and rules of the European space. It is noted that there are serious challenges related to the need to optimize higher education institutions and the development of internal higher education quality assurance systems, but the joint work of all state bodies and universities accelerates the integration of the Ukrainian higher education quality assurance system into the European space.


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