
  • Viktoriia Ternavska



law-making, legal policy, legal globalization, regional law, localization, glocalization.


The content of the state’s legal policy, which determines tendencies in law-making, is stipulated at the present stage of state-building and law-making by factors of a subjective (interests of the state and the international community) and objective (political and economic integration) nature. The main tendency in law as globalization, regionalization, localization and glocalization of law, which are reflected in the law-making activity of the state, are studied in the article. It is established that the globalization of law provides the interaction of modern legal systems in the form of convergence, assimilation and integration that results in the internationalization of the national law of sovereign states. The degree of globalization of the national legal system is determined by the goals and priorities of constitutional and legal policy, which is a strategic type of legal policy of the state. Regionalization of law takes place in the form of unification and harmonization of national law with the law of the regional political and/or economic union of states, as well as institutional reception, where adaptation, implementation and standardization in the spheres of economic activity, ecology and protection of human rights are the means of legal policy formation. Localization of law, caused by the strengthening of regional and national features of legal heritage, is based on the originality of legal culture, legal customs and legal traditions. Glocalization of law represents a compromise between legal globalization and localization as a result of national governments realizing the impossibility of conducting isolationist policy in the era of modern information technologies and the simultaneous need to produce legal policy aimed at protecting national interests. It is concluded that the production of high-quality legal policy of the state in the modern globalized world should be based on the principles of legal glocalization, in the paradigm of which pragmatic strategy and tactic for the development of the legal life of society are formed, taking into account the tendencies of legal globalization and national interests.


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