


forensic science, forensic support, court proceedings.


The article is devoted to the formation of the strategy of forensic support for judicial review of criminal cases, embodied in the concept of the same name, which is considered by the author as an ordered set of scientifically based views, principles and general provisions that determine the goals and specific tasks, structure and strategic direction of building a system of forensic support for court proceedings. The purpose of the Concept is to determine ways to achieve a qualitatively higher, compared to the existing, level of organization of scientific and research activity and to implement its results in the practice of criminal justice. Accordingly, the leading idea of the Concept is to define scientifically based guidelines in the field of theoretical research and ways of implementing their results in judicial practice through the construction of the theory of forensic support of court proceedings. The key point in the growth of the system of forensic support of court proceedings is its transition to a higher level of organization, which will enable the consolidation of all theoretical knowledge available in this field within the framework of a separate forensic science. The article defines the main directions of implementation of the Concept, which are: formation of a separate theory of forensic support of court proceedings based on it; development of instrumental support for all forms and stages of criminal procedural activity at the stage of court proceedings; introduction of special training courses into the programs of law schools, faculties, and post-graduate education institutions; creation of connecting links between the theory of criminology and the practice of criminal justice; improvement of regulatory and legal support of judicial activity; improving the qualifications of court employees. The effects expected from the implementation of the Concept are shown. Proposed means of improving the effectiveness of the interaction of forensic science, education and practice.


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