terrorism, international terrorism, terrorist financing, nuclear terrorism, information terrorism, military terrorism, customs of war.Abstract
The emergence of the concept of terrorism dates back to the 20th–21st centuries and is characterized by increasingly wider globalization on the way to its transformation, which will lead to the creation of a new concept in the future – “international terrorism”. Since the beginning of the 21st century, international terrorism has played an active role in the spread of international crime, which is particularly related to the solution of political and economic problems and the spread of spheres of influence by some state entities. Financing terrorism on a large scale has led to the accumulation by terrorist organizations of weapons, modern computer technologies, money, as well as ideas about their impunity, etc. The unpreparedness of international and national legislation to establish and bring to justice all involved subjects of organizations, sponsoring and functioning of terrorism is a big problem in our time. The russia federation full-scale invasion into Ukraine on February 24, 2022 is characterized by the use of terrorism against both the civilian population of Ukraine and the entire international community. Massive missile strikes on civilian objects and objects of civil infrastructure, sponsorship of paramilitary private armed groups from the state budget by the aggressor country, blackmail of a nuclear attack mission or the commission of sabotage actions at occupied nuclear energy enterprises, which involves the occurrence of large human casualties, requires the application of effective sanctions against the subjects of their commission. International terrorism has become one of the manifestations and methods of waging modern war for state entities that commit acts of aggression against peaceful states, therefore the fight against this phenomenon requires fundamental and immediate reforms at both the national and international legislative levels.
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