


food security, public administration, civil society, state policy, public council.


The article is devoted to the definition of the mechanism of involvement of civil society in the formation of state policy in the field of ensuring food security of Ukraine. The methodological basis of the research is comparative, system-structural and formal-logical methods. Their use made it possible to determine the place of the institution of civil society in the process of forming the strategy and tactics of state policy in the field of ensuring food security of Ukraine, as well as to find out the foreign experience regarding the forms of interaction between public administration and the institution of civil society. When conducting the research, domestic and foreign legal literature was used, which is devoted to the interaction of public administration and the institution of civil society; tools of public administration and peculiarities of the implementation of state policy in the sphere of food security of Ukraine. As a result of the research carried out by the author, it was established that civil society must be involved in the formation and control of the implementation of state policy in the field of ensuring food security of Ukraine. Its main purpose is to convey to the authorities the content of the public interests of citizens regarding the goals and objectives of state policy in this area of public administration. It was found that sufficient legal mechanisms have been created at the legislative level to involve civil society institutions in the formation of this direction of state policy. The leading role in coordinating the interaction of civil society and subjects of public administration involved in the formation and implementation of this direction of state policy belongs to the Public Council under the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine. It is entrusted with the function of accumulating public interests and conveying their content to the relevant ministry, which is the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine. The analysis of the protocols and decisions of the public council shows its passive position regarding the formation of the strategy and tactics of the state policy in the field of ensuring food security of Ukraine. In our opinion, the solution to this problem is possible through the definition at the level of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "Some issues of the activity of the central executive authorities" of a clear mechanism for the development and approval of the national strategy of the state policy on ensuring food security of Ukraine, as well as through the development and publication of the annual activity plan of the Public council under the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine for 2023.


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