
  • Andriі Petrovskyi



simplified proceedings, simplified court procedures, accelerated review procedure, minor case, small case, lawsuit, court decision, civil proceedings, international experience.


The article summarizes the experience of legal regulation of the institute of simplified court procedures in the civil procedural legislation of European countries, which is important for Ukraine. The essence of simplified proceedings in the civil justice of Ukraine is characterized as a way to ensure access to justice by reducing court costs; flexible procedures that reduce the formalization of civil proceedings and as a way to reduce budget costs to ensure the functioning of the judicial system in Ukraine with an irreversible increase in the efficiency of the judicial system. It is emphasized that the leading countries of the world are trying to use the accelerated mechanisms of cases as effectively as possible, each individual national legal system introduces specific and special features characteristic of that country. It is noted that in European countries there is a lack of uniform criteria for determining insignificant (small) cases. Thus, in some EU countries, the size of the claims, which cannot be exceeded (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Germany), is determined, while in others, specific categories of cases are specified, which, according to the legislation, are considered as insignificant (small) (Poland, France). It is established that European countries are actively searching for optimal procedural means capable of meeting the requirements of fast, high-quality, inexpensive justice. The mechanism of administration of justice should not create extraordinary difficulties, and the content of the legal regulation of the institute of simplified court procedures should be clear and accessible for perception by ordinary citizens. It is concluded that the legislation of European countries regarding the legal regulation of the institute of simplified court procedures contains both provisions that can be introduced into domestic civil procedural legislation, and those that are absolutely not characteristic of it.


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