real estate, new construction, property rights, investment, buyer, construction in progress, guarantee of property rights.Abstract
The issue of exercising and protecting property rights to real estate objects that will be built in the future is most often actualized during the emergence of contractual relations with the developer. The article discusses ways of attracting funds from individuals during new construction. The contractual relations that arise between the seller and the buyer of real estate objects that will be built in the future are defined. Attention is paid to the risks that arise when contractual relations are formed to attract funds from individuals during new construction. An analysis of the legislation aimed at the protection of property rights to real estate objects that will be built in the future has been carried out. The relevance of the study is caused by the theoretical and practical inadequacy of issues related to the improvement of legal regulation of the exercise and protection of property rights to real estate objects that will be built in the future. In addition, the entry into force of the new law, which regulates the mechanism for the exercise and protection of property rights to real estate objects that will be built in the future, requires a more detailed analysis of the “was – has become” to determine the aspects that have improved and those that still need improvement. The article examines the methods of attracting funds from individuals during new construction established in the legislation of Ukraine, the Federal Republic of Germany, and Poland. The contractual relations that arise between the seller and the buyer of real estate objects that will be built in the future are defined. Attention is paid to the problematic issues that arise when contractual relations are established for attracting funds from individuals during new construction. An analysis of the legislation aimed at the protection of property rights to real estate objects that will be built in the future has been carried out. It was concluded that the methods of exercising and protecting property rights to real estate objects that will be built in the future are imperfect in the current legislation. A theoretical improvement of the methods of exercising and protecting property rights to real estate objects that will be built in the future, taking into account the legislation of other countries, is proposed.
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