
  • Andriy Tymchyshyn



procedural principles, expertise, criminal proceedings, forms of use and application, inspection of the scene, detection, fixation, extraction, trace research.


In the conditions of new and particularly dangerous forms of criminal activity and the reformation of criminal justice bodies, the adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to European legislation, the issue of analyzing the procedural principles of the use of special knowledge during pre-trial investigation is now relevant. Fast, complete and impartial pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses is impossible without comprehensive and targeted use of special knowledge, which is the most common and, at the same time, difficult in law enforcement activities of pre-trial investigation bodies. The article establishes that the issue of forms of using special knowledge in the criminal process and criminology remains problematic. Scientists have not formulated a single point of view regarding the procedural regulation, content and classification of such forms, in particular, various lists of them are given, including those without proper scientifically based classification. We support the concept of dividing the forms of using special knowledge into: procedural and nonprocedural. It has been proven that the practical aspect of conducting an inspection of the scene with the help of specialists as a functional system was presented in two blocks: 1) theoretical, which includes: goals, tasks, subjects, a system of scientific and technical means; 2) applied, which includes organizational, technological (covers scientific and technical means used by special subjects who have knowledge and skills in their application for the purpose of detecting, recording and removing traces of criminal offenses) and evaluation and control components. The article examines the participation of specialists during investigative (search) actions with the participation of the suspect, the use by specialists of methods, techniques, ways of using detection means (lighting equipment, optical and search devices, physical and chemical substances), fixation (photographic and video recording equipment, materials for making casts and copies, etc.) and universal "field forensics" kits.


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