mechanism, violated rights, subjects of legal protection, national legislation, gender equality, russian-ukrainian war.Abstract
The article analyzes the types of women’s rights that were violated during martial law. Special attention is paid to the issue of violation of gender equality between women and men. It was found that for the implementation of constitutional principles regarding the protection of women’s rights, an important role is assigned to the presence of an appropriate and effective mechanism. It was determined that the mechanism of legal protection of a person includes a system of subjects, in particular state bodies, organizations, local self-government bodies, etc., which are directly engaged in the restoration of violated rights. It has been investigated that the powers of local state authorities and local self-government bodies are not limited to providing temporary shelter to internally displaced persons, in particular women, including women with children. This includes ensuring women’s right to work in order to obtain means of living, the right to participate in the political life of the community, public organizations, etc. Attention is also focused on the importance of volunteers, benefactors, and individual citizens in providing law enforcement functions. In particular, it is about their conducting an information campaign on countermeasures against oppression, responding to cases of domestic violence, maintaining women’s awareness of trade issues, social and psychological support, and legal assistance. It has been established that an important element in the mechanism of protection of women’s rights is a willful desire to stop illegal actions that encroach on their rights, and in various ways to assist relevant state institutions in the administration of justice and the bringing to justice of guilty persons. Conclusions were made that only thanks to the harmonious cooperation of all components, in particular the legal awareness of the person, the proper organization of subjects of protection, the objective analysis of violated rights and the responsible application of the norms of international and national legislation, it is possible to create an effective and efficient mechanism for the legal protection of women under during the russian-ukrainian war.
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