
  • Olesandr Maksymiuk
  • Tetiana Hrekul-Kovalyk



distance learning, digital competence, digital tools, legal education.


The article is devoted to one of the urgent problems of today – the organization of distance learning in conditions that threaten people’s lives and health. Today, we are witnessing the informatization of all spheres of human activity, and the digital space and its constant development are causing radical changes in society itself. In recent years, higher education institutions of various countries have offered students to study disciplines that are aimed at forming general knowledge about information and communication technologies and the ability to use and create content using various digital tools. This is a response to the needs of society in the era of information and communication technologies. The transition to the remote form provided an opportunity to try innovative approaches and methods in education, however, as it turned out, a significant number of participants in the educational process have a low level of digital literacy. In general, this technology is based on the principles of open learning, uses computer training programs, creates an educational environment with the help of modern information and communication technologies for the supply of educational material to students, and communicates between participants in the educational process. Digitalization of the education sphere can open up new opportunities and build a continuous educational process, therefore, the implementation of digital education with its integration into various educational programs and courses is an urgent problem in Ukrainian institutions of higher education. The digital competence of the lecturer acquires strategic significance and is an important characteristic of a modern person, necessary for the full and effective implementation of professional activities and professional improvement. Therefore, mastering the skills of using modern digital tools in the teaching of academic disciplines obtains particular importance for expanding the pedagogical experience of forming digital competence, as well as the introduction of the latest forms of learning: offline, online or mixed. The conducted study of modern digital tools for improving the quality of legal education does not cover all its aspects. Further research is aimed at issues such as the development of a digital learning environment, the use of information and communication technologies for distance and blended learning of students, increase of professional level of teachers on questions of use of digital tools, etc. The article pays particular attention to the differentiation of the concepts of «distance» and «online» learning, «synchronous» and «asynchronous» mode of distance learning.


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