a lawyer, binary study session, innovative forms, educational process, higher legal education, teaching of civil and family law.Abstract
The author of the article has analyzed specific features of holding a binary study session as an innovative form of conducting lectures while training lawyers. It has been determined that a binary lecture (lecture-duet) within educational process while training lawyers is a lecture held simultaneously by two experts, in particular, by teachers of two different branch disciplines of one higher educational institution, teachers of the same academic discipline of different higher educational institutions, a scientific and pedagogical employee and a researcher, representatives of two different scientific schools, a scientific and pedagogical employee and a practitioner who applies legal norms in his / her professional activity, a supporter and an opponent of a concept, etc. It has been proved that initiation of non-standard approaches for holding a study session, supporting the discussion among students of higher legal education, involving the largest number of students of higher legal education into the discussion process is very important when conducting a binary study session. At the same time, a binary lecture cannot be a platform for imposing a certain point of view on solving a problem situation; tolerance and coexistence of various points of view and opinions will contribute to the achievement of the study session’s purpose. It has been substantiated that the advantages of a binary lecture are: increasing the motivation to study among students of higher legal education; actualization of students’ knowledge, skills and abilities; formation of critical thinking by comparing information from two sources; development of critical thinking based on the ability to freely operate conceptual categories in the law area; distinguishing arguments for the formation of own legal position; acquisition of discussion skills; acquisition of the art of rhetoric skills; assessment and synthesis of new and comprehensive ideas, solving current problems; expansion and reassessment of already existing knowledge and professional practice, etc.
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