
  • Yurii Holyk



principle accountability and responsibility, Anglo-American model of local selfgovernment, continental model of local self-government, decentralisation, European integration


The article provides a comparative legal analysis of implementing the principle of accountability and responsibility of local self-government bodies in countries with different models of local selfgovernment. It was determined that in foreign countries, the implementation of the principle of accountability and responsibility of local self-government bodies depends on the model of local self-government. The focus of accountability and responsibility of local self-government bodies in most countries of Anglo-Saxon law is closed mainly at the local level. In most European countries, accountability and responsibility have a centralised structure, which negatively affects the implementation of the principle of accountability. It is emphasised that the model of local self-government in Ukraine tends more towards the European model but still significantly influences the executive vertical of power. The European model of public administration at the local level proposed by the national legislation should also become a condition for raising the level in the implementation of the principle of accountability and responsibility to territorial communities of their bodies and officials defined by the Law of Ukraine "On Local Self-Government in Ukraine". It is essential to develop organisational mechanisms to settle issues of local authorities' accountability to community residents. It was emphasised that in implementing the principle of accountability and responsibility of local self-government bodies, attention should be focused on determining the forms and means of accountability and responsibility in local government structures. The unified legislation in the field of local self-government in most European countries contains standard forms of accountability, so it is necessary to take into account this experience to ensure that local self-government bodies work for the benefit of the community. Furthermore, it was emphasised that partnership programs, electronic complaints, legal advisory services, media-based accountability platforms and budgeting with the participation of the community are the modern methods of accountability aimed at meeting the specific needs of the residents of a particular district.


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