
  • Nataliia Koshliak



internally displaced persons, rights and freedoms, state authorities, competences, temporarily occupied territory


The article reveals the theoretical and applied aspects of the problem of the functioning of state authorities in the direction of ensuring the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons and defines their types. It is emphasized that the analysis of the activities of state authorities by highlighting only the powers of public administration bodies or only executive authorities, without taking into account the legislative branch of power and the judicial branch of power, is limited. The proposed classification of state authorities in the system of ensuring the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons, taking into account different scientific approaches, into three main groups, which can be conventionally called: general, special and auxiliary. It is emphasized that ensuring the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons in Ukraine includes several dozen state authorities whose activities are regulated by more than a hundred legal acts, which provokes the emergence of a large number of inconveniences. At the same time, if in 2014 such problems were explained by news conditions caused by the temporary occupation of the territory of Ukraine, then in 2022 such arguments are inadmissible as an excuse and require an immediate response. The problems of ensuring the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons by state authorities in Ukraine are systematized, including: the uncertainty of competence and the identification of consistency in the activities of state authorities regarding the protection of the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons in Ukraine; imperfect accounting of internally displaced persons and their needs; check strategies for state financial support for the needs of internally displaced persons. The use of international experience through relevant projects is an important direction for improving the activities of state authorities in ensuring the rights and freedoms of IDPs.


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