Anglo-American legal family, crime prevention, preventive programs, case law, public controlAbstract
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the criminal law problems of crime prevention in the Anglo-American legal family, which is characterized by a progressive approach to solving this problem, due to the significant attention paid to prophylactic, preventive methods of preventing the misconduct of citizens. It is emphasized that each state-legal society, taking into account the level of its economic, social, and spiritual development, chooses its own strategy for preventing crime and illegal behavior of its citizens. All legal systems are based, in addition to other factors, on the legal mentality and legal culture of a particular society, which is a certain vector of the development of the regulatory and legal framework, state policy and axiological and legal guidelines. Precedent law has a special legal culture, which is the practice of applying the provisions of precedent law, which is determined by a whole series of rules and principles developed by courts over many centuries, which is called the «doctrine of precedent». It is noted that the main subject of crime control in foreign countries is the state in the form of law enforcement and judicial bodies, bodies of the central executive power, as well as social and legal control by members of the public. It is argued that, in general, it can be stated that psychological approaches to explaining the causes of delinquency are used quite widely by American criminologists. Representatives of sociological science emphasize the importance of this direction. Attention is focused on the fact that the prevention of crime is facilitated by the familiarization of citizens with court practice regarding specific criminal cases within the limits allowed by law. Such familiarization is carried out through mass media (publications in the press, messages on television and radio). It warns citizens against certain actions, and also gives them information about the limits of permissible behavior.
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