


customs, territorial bodies of the State Customs Service of Ukraine, State Customs Service of Ukraine, martial law, armed conflict, competencies


The article analyzes the peculiarities of the functioning of the territorial bodies of the State Customs Service of Ukraine during the legal regime of martial law. The article studies legal norms governing the organization of the State Customs Service of Ukraine. The article legally assesses the trend formulated by the State Customs Service of Ukraine regarding the demarcation of customs offices into customs offices operating in normal mode and customs offices in which ease of operation has been established, as well as their demarcation. The article considers part of the security, law enforcement, control, and fiscal functions, which are implemented in the conditions of customs formalities, which were previously implemented by customs offices, which were temporarily non-operational at customs offices operating in normal mode. The article determines and analyzes the list of customs offices that were entered into the regime of temporary downtime and later removed from it. The article investigates changes to customs legislation regarding establishing benefits and exemptions from payment in 2022. The article considers problems related to the peculiarities of the legal regime of martial law, which affect the regulation of customs payments in Ukraine. The article scrutinizes the competencies of the territorial bodies of the State Customs Service of Ukraine, as its separate structural divisions, during the legal regime of martial law. Authors make conclusions about the inconsistency of the powers and functions of the State Customs Service of Ukraine with today’s challenges, which arise before the State Customs Service of Ukraine based on the peculiarities of the legal regime of martial law. The authors establish that the territorial bodies of the State Customs Service of Ukraine do not have the authority to control the internal market; in particular, they do not have the authority to track the origin of goods, products, and raw materials; they do not have the authority to act as «enforcement bodies» in matters of ensuring repayment of tax debt; do not have the right to recover timely uncalculated or unpaid amounts of customs and other payments.


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