


conflict of interests, prosecutor, corruption, public service, authority, self-recusal, criminal procedural legislation


The article is devoted to consideration of the features of conflict of interest prevention in activities of the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine. Corruption is a threat law and order, democracy and human rights, democratic stability institutions and moral principles of society. It destroys good governance, honesty and social justice, prevents competition and economic development. The article clarifies the essence of the concept of «conflict interests». The interpretation of the problem of conflict of interests is considered. It is noted that the conflict of interest and the forms and methods of its settlement and prevention are integral legal institutions of any developed state by a system of checks and balances. Law of Ukraine «On Prevention of Corruption» distinguishes between two types of conflict of interest: potential and real. Attention is drawn to the fact that it is possible to avoid a potential or real conflict of interests in collectives where there is an organized set of ideas, that is, a system of values that unites the community and directs activity in the direction necessary for the development of the state. The requirements for the prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest defined by the Law of Ukraine «On Prevention of Corruption» have been established. The article also states that the procedural nature of the activities of prosecutors determines certain features regarding the application of measures to prevent conflicts of interest. Also listed are the main measures for conflict of interest settlement: removal of a person from performing a task, taking actions, making decisions or participating in their adoption in conditions of real or potential conflict of interests; the application of external control over the person's performance of the relevant task, his performance of certain actions or decision-making; review of the scope of official powers of a person; restricting a person's access to certain information; transfer of a person and another position; release of a person.


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Закон України «Про запобігання корупції» від 14.10.2014 № 1700-VII. URL:



