subjective rights, public rights, administrative-legal relations, European integration, Euro-Atlantic integration, executive power, legal protection, legal protection.Abstract
This scientific article analyzes the legal principles of regulating the procedure for the protection of subjective public rights of participants in administrative relations. Attention is drawn to Ukraine’s course towards European and Euro-Atlantic integration and its role in the activities of executive authorities and the President of Ukraine. The purpose of the study is the normative-legal regulation of the protection of subjective rights and the legislative regulation of the participation of executive authorities in this, innovations regarding European and Euro-Atlantic integration. It is noted that the right to an effective remedy is the right to an effective remedy in a national body, even if such violation was committed by persons exercising their official powers. Regarding European and Euro-Atlantic integration, the main law of Ukraine is the Constitution of Ukraine dated June 28, 1996 and the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine (regarding the strategic course of the state to acquire full membership of Ukraine in the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization)” dated 7 February 2019. He notes that in a rule-of-law state, responsibility for illegal behavior should be borne equally by natural and legal persons, as well as by the state, its bodies, local self-government bodies, their officials and officials in the manner prescribed by law. In cases of illegal decisions, illegal actions or inaction by state authorities, local self-government bodies, their officials and officials, every person has the right to protection. The legal regulation of the activities of: the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the central bodies of executive power, the President of Ukraine was analyzed. In particular, it is determined that among the powers of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which characterize it as one of the main subjects of the implementation of state policy in the spheres of European and Euro- Atlantic integration. the central body of the executive power, which ensures the formation and implementation of state policy in one or more spheres determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and implements the legal principles of coordination of the activities of executive power bodies in the spheres of European and Euro-Atlantic integration, however, such legal principles can be defined only at the level of decrees of the President of Ukraine , since they are of a regulatory nature, then the ordinances are not. The analysis shows that insufficient attention is paid to the legal protection of citizens in administrative and legal relations. The relations of citizens with state authorities and their officials regarding protection in case of violation of subjective public rights require first of all clear regulation and revision and improvement taking into account Ukraine's course towards European and Euro-Atlantic integration.
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