
  • Iryna Orlovska



higher education, distance learning, European integration, institution of higher education, student of higher education, information and communication technologies, scientific and pedagogical workers, public administration, goals of sustainable development.


In the article, the public administration of higher education in the conditions of distance learning is formed. Attention is focused on the Ukrainian realities, which led to the widespread use of distance learning not only in institutions of higher education, but also in the entire field of education in general. After all, during the quarantine restrictions, the availability of access to the Internet removed many questions, but in the conditions of martial law, the use of remote learning technologies in the conditions of shelling, military and combat operations is extremely limited. It was noted that mediated interaction became a problem not only for students, but also for their teachers, who had to change the method of teaching disciplines in the conditions of distance learning, as well as for the central executive body in the field of education and science. According to the data of a sociological survey, a list of problems faced by scientific and pedagogical workers in the conditions of distance learning is given. It has been established that SDG No. 4 regarding the provision of comprehensive and fair quality education and the promotion of life-long learning opportunities for all is a strategic direction to achieve in the process of formation and implementation of the state policy of Ukraine. It has been proven that global upheavals and world globalization cannot do without distance learning, which requires proper public administration by all its subjects. The list of weaknesses in the development of higher education in Ukraine is given with the aim of further formation of European standards of higher education in Ukrainian realities. The scientific opinion of O. S. Yara was continued. regarding the role of the institution of higher education in the regulation of distance learning. After all, the administration of a higher education institution needs total modernization of information and communication technologies for the technical support of online classes, the use of platforms for distance learning (Zoom, Moodle, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Skype, etc.), the use of cloud technologies for storing and exchanging data in the educational process, digitization of library databases, establishment of communication with applicants and students of higher education, etc. It has been established that distance learning in the realities of Ukraine requires the creation of the necessary level of public administration both at the level of state authorities (the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the National Agency for the Quality of Higher Education, other bodies of executive power and local self-government), and institutions of higher education (Academic Council of the institution of higher education, management of the institute, faculty, department) with the aim of forming a safe, effective, high-quality and transparent educational environment. The author's conclusion is made regarding the public administration of higher education in the conditions of distance learning.


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