gender, gender equality, gender identity, sexual identity, gender policy.Abstract
Today, in Ukrainian society, the problem of understanding gender identification, norms of gender behavior, and erased frameworks of gender roles have an uncertain status. In Ukraine, we are building our own independent culture, which we will pass on to our descendants. The future well-being of the family institution in our country depends on our awareness of the criticality of the problem of the existence of contradictory and inappropriate gender stereotypes. The presence in the social and cultural space of unjustified expectations regarding representatives of different sexes in interpersonal relations provokes many conflict situations. The article reveals the main concepts of gender, which include the doctrinal experience of foreign and domestic scientists and international experience. Based on the basic principles and grounds of gender, the expediency of the concept of gender was analyzed. It was concluded that the presence of a different idea of gender in the legislation is expedient, as it removes conflicts in the bill due to the presence of gender in the conventions ratified by Ukraine and the absence of this concept in the national legislation of Ukraine. The leading positions of scientists on this issue are analyzed, and the work on gender is illustrated. The main arguments leading to this conclusion are given: there is no clearly defined way to solve the problem of gender identity in Ukraine. The public, political institutions, and experts have different positions on how to solve this issue. To consider the opinion of Ukrainian citizens and prevent public speculation on this issue, Ukrainian society should build its gender policy based on the European model while considering national characteristics. We need a broad discussion in the community on the topics of gender, gender identity, and equality with the involvement of the public. In the scientific article, a legal and theoretical analysis of the main elements of the word gender is made, the categories of sexual identity and gender identity are distinguished, and Ukrainian legislation, international legislation, and practice are considered.
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