cybercrime, cyberattack, cyberwar of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, combating cybercrime, international cooperation in combating cybercrime, NATO as the main regulator of solving cybercrime in cooperation with Ukraine.Abstract
The article analyzes such a phenomenon as cybercrime in Ukraine, the impact of cyberattacks on the economic state of the state and the state of national security. The modern global nature of the problem of cybercrime is studied, since modern cyberattacks paralyze not only private structures, but also state authorities. It turns out that no country in the world is immune from such attacks, and the subjects that carry them out are not only individual hackers or hacker groups, but also individual states, terrorists and organized criminal groups, including international ones. The peculiarities of the legal regulation of the fight against cybercrime have been developed, taking into account the organizational aspects of this fight, and the main organizational and legal principles of improving the fight against cybercrime in Ukraine have also been defined. A number of possible ways of solving this issue through European integration processes were considered. International initiatives implemented to strengthen cyberspace protection are analyzed. The international legal system of norms aimed at creating a legal basis for the cooperation of states in the fight against cybercrime has been studied. In this section, the main regulatory and legal practices and international documents are considered, as well as the ways of improving legal regulation for the future are determined. It has been proven that national security is highly dependent on information security, and this dependence only increases with technological development. The object of close attention and influence of the state is information, which acts as an economic and social guarantee for the existence and development of society and the state. The global nature of cybercrime is evident all over the world and especially in Ukraine. The guiding principles of the modernization of data protection policy at the UN level are detailed. The key priorities of international cooperation in ensuring cyber security between Ukraine and NATO have been determined. So in today's context, the situation surrounding the future of global cyberspace is at the intersection of two parallel trends. On the one hand, the official efforts of the international community to disarm cyberspace and prevent it from turning into a new arena of armed conflict, while the main process of polar conflict continues.
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