
  • Vlada Litoshko



administrative and legal regulation, weapons, firearms, registered weapons, unregistered weapons, register of firearms, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.


The article analyzes the current state of regulation of firearms in Ukraine. Prospects for improving legal regulation are discussed, and attention is focused on problems related to unregulated possession of weapons. These problems are illustrated by law enforcement data on firearms and ammunition seizures. For example, a large number of unregistered guns in the hands of citizens – combined with the violation of territorial integrity and the growth of crime – indicates the need to create a firearms registry. In addition, the article considers the current opinions of Ukrainian scientists regarding concepts related to firearms, the application of these concepts, their use, and the need for legal regulation. Over the past few years, there have been many attempts in Ukraine to pass legislation that would regulate the ownership and use of firearms by civilians. Only one draft law received a positive assessment from the specialized committee; this is Law No. 4335-1 of November 24, 2020. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine discussed three more projects during 2021 – № 5708 dated June 25, 2021, and No. 5708-1 dated July 13, 2021. The Law Enforcement Committee considered three projects. According to the authors, the current version of the draft law cannot be adopted due to questionable sections. They claim that Directive 2021/555 of the European Union requires the approval of the draft law. The law of March 24, 2021, adopted by both the Parliament and the Rada, is in force in Ukraine. This applies to the acquisition and possession of weapons, and it is still unclear whether there are inconsistencies in the classification standards. There is also no firearms registry, although there are many registered guns. Further research into the problem of classification of civilian firearms deserves special attention. Further discussion between academics and the public is needed before any laws are passed to regulate firearms in Ukraine. Any existing laws relating to the regulation of firearms are already in need of significant revision.


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