European integration, European requirements, judicial system, legal standards, justice bodies, martial law, European Union, Ukrainian society, fight against corruption.Abstract
The article discusses important and topical issues of implementing European legal standards in the judicial system of Ukraine under martial law. The expediency of revising the established judicial system is explained by the acceleration of Ukraine's course towards European integration and in connection with the acquisition of the status of a candidate for membership in the European Union, although in difficult times for the country. In particular, the requirements set by the European Commission are considered, the fulfillment of which is manifested in the fight against corruption in public administration bodies, one of which is the judicial system of Ukraine. It is noted that it is necessary to strengthen thorough verification and complicate the competitive selection for the position of Judge. In particular, there is a need to remove from office and prevent the exercise of official duties of persons who are in their own position to receive or provide illegal benefits, or are in political dependence, thus using official duties and judicial powers to carry out certain “shadow” activities in their own position, thereby predetermining the possibility of occurrence or the alleged possibility of occurrence of serious legal or economic consequences for the state. Attention is drawn to the fact that an important factor in meeting European requirements for the approval of Ukraine as a full member of the European Union is the continuation of the judicial reform of 2016, because in the countries of the European Community, Justice bodies are required to be impartial, fair and independent during judicial proceedings, which is a rather problematic situation for Ukraine. It is established that the deployment of a military-political conflict on the territory of any state always entails significant consequences, especially with regard to the accelerated introduction of changes to the current legislation. It is concluded that the adaptation of the current national legislation, in particular judicial legislation, to the European Framework, provides for the establishment of a clearly defined procedure for the selection of judges, the completion of an epic with judicial authorities, the implementation of a range of European legal norms, which is a powerful step towards the goal. It is stated that the activities of the judicial system and separate judicial apparatuses in the current difficult time for Ukraine are extremely important, since ensuring the rights and freedoms of Man and citizen guaranteed by the Constitution of Ukraine for judicial protection should occupy an appropriate priority place, regardless of the situation inside the country.
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