adaptation, implementation, EU legislation, children’s rights, human rights, subjective civil law, ATO, martial law, armed conflict.Abstract
The article is dedicated to the study of the child's right to natural existence and social existence, a separate analysis of the painful problems of child rights protection in Ukraine was carried out, statistical data for the last few years were analyzed: in terms of the reduction of the population in Ukraine, the decrease in the birth rate in Ukraine, the specific weight of live births in Ukraine mothers younger than 20 years. Particular attention is paid to the task of the state to stop the deterioration of children’s health, to reduce the spread of socially dangerous diseases, namely: tuberculosis, venereal diseases, HIV/AIDS, through the implementation of state policy in the field of health care through economic, social and other levers. The importance of raising a child in the family was emphasized, and it was noted that the problem of orphanhood in Ukraine, which has significantly increased since the beginning of the military aggression of the Russian Federation, does not lose its relevance. The author of the article draws attention to the fact that the majority of children who are and are brought up in boarding schools have parents who do not have the opportunity to educate them, as a result of social insecurity, poverty, lack of work and stable earnings, drunkenness, begging, lack of own housing, limited opportunities to ensure the well-being of the family, lack of equal access to the services and benefits necessary for the child. The indicator of juvenile delinquency and the quantitative indicator of crimes involving minors and minors were analyzed. Attention was paid to the child's rights to special protection and care, an analysis of the prospects for implementation of European standards for the protection of children's rights in the legislation of Ukraine was carried out. The peculiarities of the application of European standards for the protection of children's rights in the conditions of martial law are analyzed. It was determined that the protection of children's rights should be a priority area of state policy. Proposals have been made to improve the mechanism for protecting children's rights and to unify some terms.
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