European integration, implementation, civil proceedings, principles of justice, European standards, international standards.Abstract
The article provides an overview of the process of implementation of European standards of justice in civil proceedings of Ukraine with a detailed study of the fundamental principles of the EU judicial system. The expediency of reviewing the selected issues is explained by the ongoing judicial reform aimed at Ukraine’s integration with the EU. Analyzing the process of implementation of European standards in the civil proceedings of Ukraine, significant positive changes in the Civil Code of Ukraine, which took place in 2017, are indicated. Designed to make the process of civil proceedings more accessible, fast, and transparent, the changes also affected the Commercial Procedure Code, the Code of Administrative Procedure of Ukraine and other legal acts regulating public relations in these areas. It is proved that today the judicial reform is not completed and is in the process of implementation. The reason for this is the presence of various errors in the implementation of practical decisions, which will subsequently change in the theoretical reflection. The study made it possible to state that the reorganization of the main procedural and legal institutions of civil justice in Ukraine will lead to the creation of a modern European system of justice. Regarding the rule-making process, to implement European standards in the field of procedural and legal regulation of civil proceedings in Ukraine, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the systemic links of national procedural legislation, the dynamics of changes in European models of civil procedural regulation of the judicial process. In addition to the theoretical consolidation and practical implementation of innovations aimed at the integration of our country with the EU, these principles and standards require in-depth scientific analysis to improve the understanding of the interpretation and enforcement of the procedures for the implementation of these standards, which creates promising areas for further research.
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