
  • Yurii Holyk



local government, principle of accountability of local self-government bodies, guarantees, people’s power, responsibility


The article deals with the issue of the correlation between guarantees of implementation of the principle of accountability of local self-government bodies and the institution of responsibility. It is emphasised that implementing the principle of people’s rule of local self-government occurs through its legal, organisational, and material and financial independence. Such autonomy will not be effective without the comprehensive implementation of other principles of local selfgovernment, which act as checks and balances for the maximum protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens. In particular, it is about the principle of accountability and responsibility of local self-government to territorial communities. It is emphasised that knowing the essence of guarantees of implementing the principle of accountability and responsibility of local self-government bodies allows us to distinguish them from the institution of responsibility. If the main purpose of guarantees is to ensure the achievement of good or interest, then the purpose of responsibility is to restore the violated right. It is argued that realising any subjective right is a process that continues in time but is still limited by it. In exercising the right, liability arises after a violation of its unhindered use by unlawful influence, a violation of regulations on rights. It is emphasised that guarantees of local self-government are necessary for the implementation of powers and a special mechanism that ensures the unhindered effective participation of local selfgovernment in solving issues of local importance, expression of will and interests of the relevant territorial community. It is emphasized that guarantees of implementation of the principle of accountability and responsibility of local self-government bodies are not identified with the institution of responsibility. The main purpose of guarantees is to ensure the achievement of good or interest, and liability is to restore the violated right, that is, to restore the possibility of certain behavior violated by illegal influence. Responsibility acts as a means of increasing citizens’ social activity and high self-discipline, drawing attention to strengthening educational work, which will allow more effective implementation of local self-government.


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