


corporate law, corporate legal relations, business entities, commercial contracts, term of validity of a corporate contract, termination of a corporate contract


The author of the article has analyzed the problematic issues regarding the term of validity of a corporate contract, which negatively affect both the practical activity of business entities and the theory of corporate law related to corporate contracts. Taking into account commercial and legal nature of corporate contracts it has been proved that the provisions of the commercial legislation on the essential conditions of commercial contracts are applied to them, where we distinguish the term of validity of a contract. Without the agreement of that term by the obligation parties, such a contract is not valid. It has been determined that such contracts can be concluded both for a single affirmative performances and for several affirmative performances that are repeated within a short period of time or have an indefinite period of validity with a complex system of rights and obligations of the parties to a corporate contract aimed at ensuring effective management of a corporation. It has been substantiated that such a contract can be concluded both for a certain period established by the contract and for an indefinite period. The author has suggested that the legislation should provide the possibility of unilateral withdrawal from the contract in cases of concluding a corporate contract for an indefinite period by analogy with similar contractual constructions with an indefinite period of validity. In this case the party to the corporate contract should comply with a certain procedure for its termination by submitting an application for the refusal to further participate in the contract no later than three months before the withdrawal. The consequences of the termination of a corporate contract with a definite term of its validity have been determined. It is compensation of real losses to other members caused by the termination of such a contract.


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