
  • Kostiantyn Beznos



medical law, treatment of cannabis, draft law, cannabis plant control, international practice.


The study identifies the main chemical compounds of cannabis and their effects on the human body, and also provides international practice of using cannabis for medical purposes in the countries of the European Union and the United States of America. The paper emphasizes the positive results of the use of preparations from varieties of plants of the type of cannabis, which contain tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol. Given the list of diseases and illnesses that can be cured with the help of the above substances or for general improvement of the patient’s health. The importance of legalization of cannabis for medical purposes in Ukraine has been emphasized, as the Russian invasion is expected to significantly increase the number of people suffering from various types of psychopathology, anxiety and mental disorders, especially with regard to persons, directly affected by the fighting. Based on the results of the study, comments were formed and argued on bill No. 7457 dated 06/10/2022 on regulating the circulation of plants of the hemp genus for medical, industrial purposes, scientific and scientific and technical activities to create conditions for expanding patients’ access to the necessary treatment of oncological diseases and post-traumatic stress disorders, received as a result of the war, concerning the establishment of the maximum permissible level of tetrahydrocannabinol (hereinafter – THC) and the limited circulation of cannabis, cannabis resin, extracts and tinctures of cannabis for scientific, medical and industrial purposes, as well as the creation and operation of an electronic registry of hemp plants for medical purposes or medicines derived from them. In addition, in the process of substantiation, great attention is paid to the conclusions of the Main Scientific and Expert Department of the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the expediency of the draft law.


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