
  • Nataliia Koshliak



internally displaced persons, local self-government bodies, discretion, administrative services, social services, right to education.


The article substantiates the theoretical and practical aspects of providing the basic needs of internally displaced persons by local self-government bodies. In the system of public authorities, local self-government bodies play a crucial role in ensuring the rights of internally displaced persons, as the community is closest to their problems and needs. The theoretical and practical aspects of providing administrative, social, and medical services for internally displaced persons by local self-government bodies are disclosed; as educational and other cultural services. The provision of political representation of internally displaced persons at the local level and integration of internally displaced persons into the system of local democracy is justified. It was determined that local self-government bodies are empowered with special powers to ensure the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons, in particular to inform, to ensure the housing needs and land rights of internally displaced persons, provision and provision medical assistance in communal healthcare facilities, to ensure access of internally displaced persons to the right to education, on providing social protection, guardianship, and care for internally displaced children, etc. Individual local self-government bodies resort to means and methods of supporting internally displaced persons that do not relate to the performance of their direct powers, demonstrating initiative, openness, and concern. It is important to increase the level of knowledge and build experience in solving current problems of the application of legislation in conditions of martial law, strengthening the responsibility and motivation of municipal employees, strengthening their moral and ethical and patriotic beliefs. It is necessary to ensure the acquisition of special knowledge on issues of support for internally displaced persons and persons affected by hostilities directly in the community. Even though supporting internally displaced persons burdens the territorial community and local self-government bodies, it is interested in their integration. The significant responsibility and burden on the united territorial communities in ensuring the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons should be compensated by appropriate subventions from the state budget.


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