
  • Ivan Kritsak



anti-corruption criminology, spiritual-value component, moral-ethical aspects of criminoteology, ideology, personality of a criminal, corruptor.


The article deals with moral and ethical aspects overcoming corruption with emphasis on the formation of the state anti-corruption ideology (criminology) on the basis of the spiritual and value component. This construction is based on three concepts: value-ideological, ethicalmoral and, in addition, theological-theological, and criminological and theological, where appropriate prevention and fight against corruption calls to the “minds” of the bureaucratic apparatus and population regarding the transformation of consciousness in much more pious states. Issues of the nature of corruption (criminogenic) manifestations are raised by revealing the meaning of the concepts “corruption” and “bribery”. The problem of moral (ethical) corruption is updated as a mechanism for speeding up (solving) many issues. Silent attitude of society towards corruption formed a dangerous phenomenon – “corruption culture”. Various approaches to the definition of corruption are considered. It is emphasized that it is necessary to overcome it permanent interdisciplinary analysis (discourse) scientific practices by identifying (finding) piety, which needs updating for the general public. If you do not conduct an effective spiritual and value opposition and struggle with corruption, this very thing the universal status of the specified phenomenon is evidenced, when regulations are found to be ineffective and it remains to appeal to the voice (Law) of Conscience. Special attention is focused on involvement of civil society institutions (journalistic corps) and the state of solving many problems of corruption by preparing anti-corruption practices (programs, strategies, plans and tactics) taking into account corruption risks. Special attention is focused on the institution of corruption whistleblowers and further scientific support of the state anti-corruption policy of Ukraine. The original aspects of the disclosure of the criminological (psychological) portrait of the personality of the criminal-corruptor are violated.


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