
  • Serhii Balaban



criminal law, human rights, gender, woman, protection, violence, responsibility.


The article, taking into account the June 20, 2022 ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on the prevention of violence against women and domestic violence and the fight against these phenomena, examines the peculiarities of the criminal law protection of the rights of women and girls in Ukraine. Consideration of the gender position of women in society makes it possible to talk about the insufficient development of the institution of gender equality, mostly in Ukraine. Unequal treatment of women manifests itself in almost all spheres of social life and manifests itself in different ways. At the same time, one of the most dangerous manifestations of gender inequality is violence against women, which causes outrage all over the world. It is because of this that the Convention of the Council of Europe ‘On preventing violence against women and domestic violence and combating these phenomena’ was adopted, where the issue of gender occupies one of the leading positions. That is, the issue of gender is not static, given the problems of modern equality, more efforts are made to stabilize the position of women in society alongside men. It was established that the phenomenon of feminism is nothing more than the struggle of women for their rights, opportunities and legitimate interests. The study of this issue proves that at the current stage of social development, the phenomena of gender equality and feminism are often equated, although they have completely different subjects and objects of influence. In addition, if gender equality is the struggle for equal rights for both women and men, then feminism considers only women’s issues. Very often, the struggle for women’s rights can manifest itself in socially harmful actions, which is depressing for the surrounding society. It is well known that feminists in many cases not only take certain actions aimed at improving their position in society, but also oppress men, their rights and opportunities, which contradicts the concept of gender equality, which is aimed at supporting both men and women in their rights and opportunities The issue of domestic violence against women is considered, because it is the most widespread in society. There was a study of the reasons for the commission of crimes by women, as a result of which the dominant position of crimes committed on the basis of domestic violence was determined. In addition, we can talk about the negative impact of domestic violence on the female psyche, which is the most vulnerable. As a result of this influence, women commit acts that are characterized by particular cruelty, thoughtfulness, etc.


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