
  • Olha Chepik-Trehubenko



domestic violence, economic violence, economic resources, judicial practice, law enforcement agencies.


The article examines the work of scientists in the field of economic violence as a form of domestic violence, reveals the peculiarities of legal regulation, and analyzes court decisions in the relevant direction. It was emphasized that the prevention and overcoming of economic domestic violence is one of the priority problems for many countries of the world. The end of the 20th – the beginning of the 21st century were marked by intensive development and implementation, further gradual improvement of mechanisms for preventing and countering domestic violence. A review of doctrinal sources from the indicated direction shows that economic violence has not received adequate attention at the national level, but foreign authors much more often turn to the solution of this problem. The works of foreign scientists are given and considered. Attention is focused on legal regulation in the sphere of prevention of economic violence. It was emphasized that the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Prevention and Combating Domestic Violence” provided wider opportunities for overcoming various types of domestic violence, including economic. However, as evidenced by judicial practice, many decisions on this issue do not receive a positive solution, since most often pre-qualified actions by the police as economic violence do not meet the established criteria according to the current legislation. Special attention is focused on the need to ensure professional development of police officers regarding the preparation of case materials in the area under consideration. It was determined that a promising direction for researchers and practitioners is the development of criteria and algorithms for the correct qualification by law enforcement agencies of economic violence in the family, as well as the systematic distribution and familiarization of citizens with information about what should be considered economic violence and how not to become a victim of domestic violence economic violence. It is important for domestic researchers to study the causes of the emergence and overcoming of economic violence in the systemic relationship with various social factors, in particular, historical, political, socio-cultural, etc.


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Справа № 685/728/21. URL:

Справа № 475/195/19. URL:

Справа № 689/624/22. URL:

Справа № № 346/2865/22. URL:



