
  • Tetiana Kamenchuk



human rights, unity of human rights, globalization, unification, universality of concepts.


We live in a world that is more interconnected and vulnerable than ever before. The modern world is becoming more integrated, experiencing one of its periodic transformations. The word “globalization” is relatively new, coined in the late 1970s. Building meaningful relationships that work globally is a challenge in itself. People are increasingly confronted with uncertainty about rapid change in many areas of life, and the question arises as to which perspective, paradigm, or theory can best explain these changes. Inequality in the world is growing: millions of people continue to suffer from forced evictions, inadequate access to education and basic medical treatment, and appalling working conditions. Global issues, in particular the modern understanding of human rights, need to be addressed through the collection and exchange of knowledge between disciplines and institutions on a global scale. The article reveals the issue of globalization as a process that transforms all economic, political, social, and cultural realities. The study covered the real advantages and disadvantages of globalization in the context of its impact on human rights. We are talking about building such systems that would have a positive impact on socio-political issues and the unification of human rights in particular. Attention is also drawn to the fact that, although governments and international bodies, such as the United Nations, are increasingly promoting human rights protection, serious threats and gross human rights violations are also on the rise in globalization. We have witnessed rapid changes in local and global processes, and we see an increase and increase in the participation of people’s organizations and citizens in leading the creation of fair, involved, and sustainable communities. The article analyzes the dynamics of the emergence and change of the concept of human rights, on the one hand, and the rapid movement of globalization, on the other, and their relationship.


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