tourism, war, wartime, COVID-19 pandemic, formal and non-formal education, public administration, interaction between the state and civil society.Abstract
The article identifies and analyzes the role and development of tourism in the conditions caused by wartime and the COVID-19 pandemic. The processes of realization of global interactions of states and their institutions are actualized. It is emphasized that global ties will help humanity to regain the potential for progress after the COVID-19 pandemic and hostilities. It is noted that changes in the environment, accelerated by changes in technology and methods of control over the organization of activities in modern conditions, raise questions about the main areas of individuals and communities to exercise their rights and freedoms, opportunities and obstacles to full life. Industries that in other historical periods could be perceived as secondary and ancillary, are drivers of economic growth, a form of optimizing the interaction of different types of capital, the use of the latter management practices and practices. Represented by the sphere of commercial interest, tourism at the same time overcomes the path to the realization of national and state needs, revealing the interdependence of global and local. The novelty of this article is revealed through the originality of the problem – the use of tourism potential as a special area of functioning of production and consumer structures of social practices, where the consumption process is both a reproduction of human capital, and production is presented in its postindustrial format – are connected by both traditional and modern communication on the basis of digital platforms. The latter is especially significant in military conditions, man-made and biological threats, which have highlighted the underlying illusions of the secure existence of mankind.
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