legal regulation, objects of intellectual property right, artificial intelligence, legal controlAbstract
In this article the authors comprehensively investigated the current and extremely acute issue of today on the problem of legal regulation of intellectual property for objects created by artificial intelligence in the legal space of Ukraine. It is directly difficult to determine the authorship of such objects and the procedural form of its consolidation, combined with the lack of full, clear and proper regulation of the functioning of artificial intelligence as a field in general. In the period of rapid development of technogenic, scientific and legal spheres, this issue calls into question their equal and fair regulation by the state and requires urgent solution. The above-mentioned category of objects is determined on the example of the best practices of foreign countries, their features are defined and briefly analyzed. The authors highlighted important aspects of the application of the provisions enshrined in regulations in the practical field of protection of artificial intelligence against the background of high levels of development of man-made and intellectual components of the modern world. The authors of the article stressed the need to implement certain regulatory elements of foreign countries, which will control and specialized regulation of all legal mechanisms directly related to artificial intelligence in general and copyright objects created by artificial intelligence in particular. The authors of this article highlighted the issue of determining and consolidating the authorship of such works, taking into account the direct involvement of individuals in the process of their creation, as well as giving it the appropriate rights if necessary. The necessity and importance of the use of artificial intelligence technologies in various spheres of public life, including legal – as a real step towards a new level of development – was analyzed. The importance of the study lies in the need for fair legal control and full provision of each area, based on the basic principles of the rule of law, as well as the value of working to promote artificial intelligence, in particular its special category – intellectual property rights, which are invaluable time.
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