


mediation, education, European standards, educational mediation, international experience


The article is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the legal regulation of educational mediation in Ukraine. The study provides a detailed scientific analysis of the regulatory framework of the European Union and the recommendations of international organizations on the more effective implementation of the mediation procedure in specific areas of public relations. The authors systematize mediation into professional (specialized) and professional mediation. It is proposed to change the current concept of mediation as an alternative way to resolve conflicts. The expediency of revising the classical concept of mediation is explained by the presence of specific features in mediation for certain types of social relations, which in practice lead to the allocation of unique to these types of methods of mediation. Accordingly, the authors consider in more detail the autonomy of educational mediation as a separate and independent type of specialized mediation. Based on basic empirical research, the authors provide specific features of mediation in the field of education, features of the review of the case and, accordingly, highlight the necessary competencies of the mediator, reflected in his legal status. The basic and specialized competencies of the educational mediator are determined. The experience of foreign higher education institutions in the implementation of both the mediation service at the Free Economic Zone and the initial mediation programs has been studied. The experience of foreign countries, including the member states of the European Union, is considered to be the central experience on which Ukraine should rely. In particular, certain aspects of legal regulation of the mediation procedure in such countries as Georgia, Great Britain, Canada, Bulgaria, England, Italy are studied. Specific ways of implementation of some positive aspects of the experience of certain countries in the regulation of mediation in Ukraine are proposed.


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