public safety, ancient Greece, Ancient Greece, law, justice, peace, tranquility, order, stability, military superiority, military-political power, correct human behaviorAbstract
Theoretical and practical aspects of the Problems of public safety in the Hellenistic ancient Greek political and legal doctrines: historical and legal analysis have been studied. It was found that the ancient Greek political and legal thought raises questions about the essence of public safety (it is associated with peace, tranquility, order, stability, absence of wars, carefree life, prosperity, security, reliable shelter, destiny, military superiority, military and political power, renunciation of tyranny, as well as the right human behavior, its types (domestic and foreign policy, military and economic, polis and all-Greek, etc. are distinguished), guarantee instances (provision) (pantheon of Olympic gods, state, statesman, army, allies, etc.), conditions (factors) of provision (observance of laws, strength of religious beliefs) , fidelity to customs, heroic ethos, strengthening of military-political power, proper management of the state, welfare and enrichment of the state, development of its economic power, etc.). It is proved that the ancient political and legal doctrines, which comprehended public security, have the following main features: its nationalization (elevation of the state and its institutions in ensuring this security), personalization (close dependence of personal security on public, sometimes even raising personal security over public) , universalization (security as a phenomenon of the space world order, general Hellenic security), rationalization (discursive understanding of public security issues), legalization (transfer of public security issues to the plane of its legal support, which becomes imperative, mandatory compliance with polis laws, a system of severe penalties for offenses in the field of public safety, ensuring law and order in society and the state), indefiniteness of the actual state and public security (which was due to the polis nature of the state system), axiologization (security as a high human and social value, as a good, as an integral element of the polis worldview and ensuring the proper arrangement of polis life), polymorphism (the breadth of the spectrum of forms of public security and specification of its “images” in philosophy, poetry, historiography, rhetoric, etc.). The tendency of legalization of public safety is highlighted. The latter is provided by the state and laws, the laws themselves must correspond to public perceptions of good and justice, the state must be based on the principles of social peace, compromise and balance of various social interests. The very idea that it is impossible to guarantee the safety of people outside the state became revolutionary and for the first time brought the state organization of public relations to the forefront of guaranteeing the safety of citizens. Another revolutionary idea was the reliance of the state in guaranteeing public security on a rationally constructed and improved as the development of social relations law, which regulated and directed the development of relations between people equal to each other. Finally, thirdly, the discourse of human-centered law discovered by the Sophists led to the strengthening of the personal component in the sociopolitical life of the polis, which, in turn, led to criticism of violence and contributed to the idea of free human rights and the need to protect them. Accordingly, the security of the policy has largely depended on the security and protection of the rights of its citizens.
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