legal culture, stability, law and order, legal consciousness, modern Ukrainian state, nihilism, professional legal culture, representatives of the law enforcement systemAbstract
The article considers the concepts and features of modern legal culture. The study of the influence of legal education on the formation of legal culture suggests that it can be interpreted as part of the process of general socialization of the individual, which includes the action of purposeful and natural factors. The legal culture of any state contains both general and special features. The legal culture of the individual reflects the share of the legal culture of the class, nation and society. It depends on a person’s life experience, level of legal education, legal skills that affect legally significant behavior. The structure of legal culture and its role in the formation of the rule of law of the modern Ukrainian state are determined. According to the structure, legal culture can be considered a form of socially significant human activity in the field of state and legal relations, which is manifested, firstly, in legal norms, institutions, and secondly, in the ability of citizens to assess these phenomena. At the same time, legal culture necessarily expresses the state and legal experience of the individual, on the basis of which the combined experience of social communities and societies is formed. In general, legal culture encourages the individual to act in accordance with the law. Legal awareness in the legal culture of society and the individual is studied. Legal consciousness is defined as a form of common consciousness, which reflects the attitude of the subjects of legal relations to the current law and its derivatives. Not only the state of legal relations but also the tendencies of their changes are reflected in the consciousness. Legal consciousness was singled out as one of the factors in raising the level of legal culture of the population. In real life, the individual, groups of people may or may not accept the law, be in solidarity with its requirements or act against them. This attitude to law in people is determined by their legal awareness. According to the authors, legal consciousness is a specific form of public consciousness, the reflection of law in the form of ideas, views on law, human rights and freedoms, law and order in society. The influence of legal culture on the formation of stability and law and order was determined. Legal culture is characterized by the creation, approval, preservation and translation of legal values. In fact, legal culture is a system of all positive manifestations of the functioning legal reality, which concentrates the achievements of legal science and practice. Mankind in general and each nation in particular need a moral value, legal coordinate system. The analysis of specific features of professional legal culture of representatives of law enforcement system was carried out. Analysis of regulation as a factor in the formation of professional legal awareness and legal culture suggests that knowledge of regulations necessarily and inevitably affects the professional legal awareness, professional legal culture of law enforcement officers, because professional legal culture requires strong knowledge of legal theories, legislation, skills and skills of its implementation, as well as respect for the law and strict compliance with the law.They suggested ways to reduce the level of legal nihilism as a manifestation of the deformation of legal consciousness. Fully overcoming legal nihilizm is impossible, but possible to minimize his level by the use of row of complex measures, consolidation of society, providing of principle of supremacy of right, realization of legal education of citizens, in the direction of patriotism and responsibility for the country.
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