human rights, right to life, reproductive rights, international law, national legislation, assisted reproductive technologies, in vitro embryo, destruction of embryos, embryo donation, bioethicsAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of private law regulation problems of assisted reproductive technologies, in particular in vitro fertilization, by the national legislation of Ukraine, and its relationship with the provisions of international legal acts in this area. The bills currently submitted to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, concerning the use of assisted reproductive technologies, are analyzed in detail. The bioethical approach to the problem suggests the ways to solve it based on respect for the rights and dignity of every human being in accordance with the norms of international law. The importance of ensuring the protection of embryo life in vitro, including by developing the legal status of human embryos and its enshrinement in national legislation was emphasized. It is also very important to develop special programs in order to create state cryobanks of stem cells and embryos, and taking into account clearly defined exceptional circumstances, to introduce state control over the movement of human embryos outside Ukraine, primarily by imposing a ban on their export. The adoption of special legislation on the use of assisted reproductive technologies will regulate legal relations in this area. In drafting legal acts of national legislation, foremost, it is necessary to take into account the norms of international law concerning human rights and biomedicine. Since reproductive rights are directly related to fundamental human rights, such as the right to life and health, the issue of the human right to life at the prenatal stage of its development is an integral bioethical aspect of these rights.
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