
  • Nadiia Milovska



principle of legal certainty, rule of law, law-making activity, recodification, updating of civil legislation


In the article the essence, meaning and content of the principle of legal certainty in the context of updating the civil legislation of Ukraine are researched, and also the means to achieve it is identified. It is established that in the conditions of a significant inconsistency of the legal framework, uncertainty and duplication of legal norms, the stability of the legal status of participants in civil relations, the clarity of their rights and obligations, freedom of action becomes threatened, which leads to the need to bring the norms of civil legislation to the requirements of legal certainty. It is substantiated that such requirements, which are aimed at guaranteeing the stability of legislation, the effective regulation of legal relations, are: requirements for the content of regulatory legal acts, which are certainty, accessibility, consistency of regulatory legal acts, and also clearly define the limits of discretionary powers; requirements for the procedure for the adoption of regulatory legal acts, consisting in bringing them to the attention of the population, stability and timeliness of updating regulatory legal acts. It is established that the Concept of recodification of the Civil Code of Ukraine, designed to bring it into line with modern needs, world and European realities, and lay the foundation for effective legal regulation of future trends in the development of private law relations, contains a number of important changes in the Civil Code of Ukraine, one of which, that there is no doubt that there is a need to abolish the Economic Code of Ukraine. Attention is focused on the importance of law enforcement practice as a factor in the legal certainty of the provisions of civil law in the process of its modernization, which has a significant impact on the legal understanding of the content of the civil law norm, makes it possible to identify gaps in some articles, inaccuracies, ambiguities in the wording. It is concluded that an important indicator of compliance with the principle of legal certainty in the process of updating the civil legislation of Ukraine should be the observance of the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, which in turn will contribute to the development of civil society in Ukraine.


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