
  • Olena Kostyuchenko



academic integrity, local acts, academic responsibility, legal responsibility, disciplinary responsibility, community actions, Code of academic integrity


The article is devoted to the research of the role of local acts in ensuring academic integrity in Ukraine. There are analyzed the relevant norms of current legislation and approaches to determine the content of local acts of higher education institutions and research institutions. It is substantiated that in regulating the issues of academic integrity it is necessary to clearly understand that its providing can have a moral and ethical aspect and legal one. This in turn acts as a basis for differentiating the content of local acts to ensure academic integrity. It is argued that local acts on academic integrity should be significantly different in content when it comes about moral and ethical norms and when a local act requires the prosecutions of subjects to academic responsibility in a legal sense. It is argued that the main purpose of local regulations in ensuring academic integrity is to use their regulatory properties using disciplinary sanctions and measures of public influence to violators of academic integrity. Local acts in declaring the principles and rules of conduct may not go beyond the law. It is substantiated the answer to two main questions in the researched problem. First, regarding the possibility of using a local act to ensure academic integrity, there is reasons to believe that local regulation is able to provide detailed conditions for the implementation of disciplinary policy, taking into account the specifics of educational, scientific (creative) activities. Secondly, with regard to the content of a local act, such as the Code of Academic Integrity, it should be borne in mind that it should not go beyond the normative regulation of the procedure of using the legal sanctions to subjects for violations of academic integrity.


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