
  • Karim Yemelianenko



legal culture, legal consciousness, advocate, advocacy, society, legal values, ethics


The article analyzes the general theoretical basis of professional legal culture at the Institute of the Bar, considers the lawyer as the bearer of the high legal culture of society. The author made an attempt to research the professional norms of the legal profession as a professional community in society – from the practice of a lawyer through possession and ability to use legal knowledge to personal moral qualities that a modern lawyer or jurist should have, and also the author made an attempt to study the awareness of the professional and social significance of a lawyer of his role in society, its compliance with the interests of the rule of law and civil society as a whole. The author of the article draws attention to the inner essence of the professional legal culture of a lawyer as an individual professional lawyer and the institution of the legal profession in society. The author investigates the definitions and legal nature of such concepts as legal culture, legal consciousness in many philosophical, legal and general theoretical approaches; identity of perception of these concepts among foreign experts and their legal communities; identity of perception of these concepts among foreign experts and their legal communities; the author provides a description of the ethical standards adopted by the internal acts of the legal institution and which each lawyer must follow; the author focuses on the individual qualities of a lawyer as an obligatory component in maintaining the authority of the legal profession in society in comparison with state authorities; the author supports the thesis regarding the definition of legal culture as a way of organizing the legal activity of participants in the life of society through legal values and legal orientations in society. Within the framework of the article, the author notes several special views of scientists-theorists and practitioners about the service of a lawyer to society. However, the author also insists on his own conviction regarding the purpose and vocation in the profession of a lawyer, which today requires strengthening and expanding the deontological foundations of professionalism – raising the level of professional culture, political and social components, moral qualities in relation to the case.


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