
  • Alina Goncharova
  • Dmytro Murach



marriage, family, family institution, family mediation, social policy


The article is devoted to the coverage and scientific analysis of the problems of family law and exclusively the institution of the family in Ukraine. The expediency of the chosen topic is explained by the terrible situation with the number of divorces in relation to the registration of new marriages in Ukraine. The authors propose to introduce an indicator that will characterize how many times the number of registered new marriages exceeds the number of divorces. Accordingly, an analysis of this indicator will be introduced from 2000 to 2020, highlighting key patterns that show a destructive impact on the dynamics of registration and divorce. The authors focus on the financial and economic component, as a key issue in the impact on the family. The paper concludes that as of today in Ukraine there is a steady trend to reduce the level of registered marriages, as well as increasing the dynamics of divorce. The correlation between the economic situation in the country and the level of divorce is defined and argued. The problem of defining the definition of “family” is analyzed and the current regulations of the state on the definition of key features of the family as a social phenomenon are studied. Accordingly, the authors offer their own vision of the definition of “family” based on and based on the provisions of domestic law. The paper examines the problem of the need to introduce family mediation as a factor in reducing the dynamics of divorce. The urgent need for the introduction of the Law of Ukraine “On Mediation” and the implementation of the US experience in establishing an official institution that will deal with family conflicts in the extrajudicial and judicial stages. The authors emphasize the need to overcome the above problems and the importance of public policy aimed at providing optimal conditions for the creation and development of the family in Ukraine. The study identifies and outlines specific ways to unify the factors that inhibit the dynamics of registration of new marriages.


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