timber, business timber, quality classes, market value, the amount of damage, forensic examination, trasological examination, deck, boardAbstract
The article demonstrates the modern possibilities of logical, economic and commodity expertise during the initial stage of the investigation of illegal logging. The article reveals the concept of timber assessment and identifies the approaches used during the forensic examination. Particular attention is paid to the principles of the new classification in the forest industry, which sets the quality classes of assortments in fact, guided by updated current regulations based on the European standardization system. The basic principles of classification according to which the class of quality of round timber is defined are specified. The basic terms used in the forest industry are schematically given. It is established that each of these approaches is implemented using specific techniques that directly depend on the object of evaluation. The basic concepts and terms used in the study of round timber are described. There are two stages of research of consumer properties of trees, in particular quality assessment and cost assessment. Special cases of conducting complex commodity-biological research or research involving specialists in the field of forestry are mentioned. The initial data are listed, in the presence of which the expert commodity expert can begin to determine the market value of round timber. The expediency of using cost and comparative approaches during the examination is substantiated. The article presents the recommended algorithm of a typical study of this type of objects, according to which the commodity affiliation of objects, size and volume of round timber, the cost of 1 m3 and at the final stage, the market value of the object of assessment is determined. The author reveals the subject, object, identifies the main typical questions that can be posed to the expert-commodity expert, as well as the tasks that are solved in the framework of its implementation. Defines the limits of competence of the expert-commodity expert. Materials and developments of the article can be used by specialists of research forensic centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine to take into account in the work during commodity examinations, which will provide systematization and methodological uniformity of expert practice, expand the possibilities of such assessment.
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