globalization, legal system, state, civil society, legal ideology, legal cultureAbstract
The article is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the impact of globalization processes on the state’s legal ideology. The article defines globalism and its role in the production of universal mechanisms and law principles. The tendency to the unity of humanity is shown, the expression of which is the strengthening of ties between different nations, the exchange of spiritual values, the formation of supranational structures. The universalization of the legal sphere is considered one of the essential aspects of world globalization. An attempt is made to reveal the impact of globalization on the domestic legal system, in particular on lawmaking, legal culture, legal awareness. Based on the analysis of scientific views on modern globalization challenges, there is reason to believe that globalization in the Ukrainian legal system affects almost all its elements. It is established that the primary influence is on the regulatory framework, namely on the law sources. Particular attention is paid to the ideology of human rights and freedoms, guarantees their observance and implementation, proclaimed at the state and global levels. The idea that human rights are the primary criterion of state democracy is substantiated. It has been found that the democratization of public life is an essential consequence of globalization processes, which affects the formation of ideas about human rights and freedoms. Considerable attention is paid to study the implementation of global morality as a geopolitical control form over the observance of states behavior standards in the context of the institutionalization of human rights. The influence of globalization processes on legal culture as one of the most dynamic components of the legal system is considered. It is observed that close cooperation of states, exchange of foreign experience contribute to the improvement and development of national legal institutions. The main tasks that pose globalization challenges to the legal system are highlighted. The importance of the development by the world community universal principles of regulation of legal relations between various subjects in the current globalization conditions is emphasized. It is studied that globalization significantly affects both the state internal legal processes and the nature of relations with various legal systems.
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