
  • Dariia Kovalska



right of the person, public trial, criminal proceedings, oral, personal presence, publicity, court decision, public


The article analyzes several elements of a person’s right to a public trial in criminal proceedings. The expediency of the analysis is explained by the fact that the right of a person to a public trial of criminal proceedings plays an important role in criminal – procedural activities in connection with the construction of Ukraine as a state governed by the rule of law. It is important to analyze several elements of the person’s right, which is one of the main principles of criminal proceedings. The subjects of criminal proceedings should be given by law and provided by the state bodies conducting the process, the freedom to choose the option of behavior to pursue their own interests in a criminal case. Characteristics of such elements as the right to oral criminal proceedings and to be present personally during the trial; the right to open trial; public proclamation of court decisions and public access to its decisions of the person’s right to public criminal proceedings is relevant not only for the theory of criminal procedure, but also for the practice of criminal proceedings. The orality of the criminal proceedings in this article is characterized through the prism of the instance of the courts: the presence during the trial in the court of first instance and the court of appeal. In the context of the analysis of public access to court decisions, a proposal for a scientific definition of the term “public” is presented. The definition of this concept will make it possible to understand: who has an access to court decisions. The article provides an example of decisions of the European Court of Human Rights in order to indicate the violation / absence of violations of the right of a person to a public trial in criminal proceedings, based on a specific, above, element of this right. Familiarization with the criminal procedure legislation of the European country – Poland in the context of the right of a person to a public trial in criminal proceedings helped to form opinions on the expediency / inexpediency of implementing the relevant rules in national law. This topic is certainly relevant, because the rights of the individual in criminal proceedings formulate and determine the basic ideas of all criminal proceedings. At the same time, the person’s right to a public hearing of criminal proceedings and its elements are insufficiently studied in the science of domestic criminal procedural law.


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